Sunday, December 2, 2012

The World without Art

In class we discussed the repercussions of child who was to grow up without any forms of art. The child would expected to grow up abnormally and be unable to function properly. But what if all art forms were suddenly taken away from us? How different would the world and its people be?
This may seem childish and a little out there but this is the only thing I can relate this hypothetical situation to:
If art was suddenly taken away, I feel the people would become blank. I can't find the word to describe it. In the Disney movie, Halloween Town II: Calabar's Revenge, Calabar puts this "gray spell" over Halloween Town. Everything is black and white and bland, the citizens lost their original fun and crazy personalities and they become boring people wondering around town with no purpose.
If there art was ever banned from the world, I think it would be very similar to if a "gray spell" was put over the earth.

Art Conforming to Human Nature

At the end of the article Art and Human Nature: Some Thoughts on Steven Pinker's Critique of Contemporary Art by Derek S. Sanderson and Stephen K. Sanderson, the statement "for art merely to conform to human nature, as Pinker is simplistically suggesting, would result in its death." I had a hard time understanding what this statement meant exactly. I had to look at several definitions of conform before having a brief understanding of what the sentence is saying. The definition of conform being - behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards, kind of makes the sentence make more sense. For art to behave to socially acceptable standards, it would result in it's death. If art had a limit, it wouldn't be art no more. Art can't have a limit. It evolves everyday and changes from artist to artist.