Sunday, September 30, 2012

American Patriotism

After reading the articles for class, I was left asking myself, how does the patriotism of our country affect the world? We're one country out of almost 200 on this planet. After some research, it seems to be that patriotism keeps nations separate because it promotes bitterness between them. It was said patriotism worked for the 19th and 20th century, but for the 21st,  we need to move on to humanism. I didn't think there was anything wrong with patriotism until last week. I thought it was a good thing, to be proud of where you come from. It turns out that patriotism has lead to increased military status,     promoting defense and war. Some "patriotic" citizens say our lives are more important than third world country's citizens. Now that I see this side of patriotism, I agree we need to move on to humanism and internationalism. It's time to respect humanity, human dignity, and human rights, and focus less on our "love" for the United States.

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