Sunday, September 23, 2012

Manipulative Society

Society definitely manipulates the ways humans look out at different parts of the world. For example, the media makes the impression that stick skinny girls are attractive. Teen girls strive for this look through unhealthy habits when a full, athletic, healthy body shape is much more attractive. I feel society is trying to manipulate us into turning away meat because of the "treatment" they receive. The savage beatings of animals and brutal killings surely happen in some places of the world, but not all. These places have to pass a certain regulation, I'm sure. I don't think humans will ever fully turn away from meat for several reasons. Besides dairy products, what else is a cow used for? By using the meat, we're using it for more purposes where we would be wasting the rest of the animal. Same with chickens, we could solely use them for eggs but then we're wasting the body.  Instead of pushing us away from meat, regulations for butcher shops should be more strict and animal "friendly."

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